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Become a Member Today!

Membership and Donations are all TAX DEDUCTIBLE

By becoming a due paying member you help support breastfeeding advocacy and education in Shelby County and the Greater Memphis Area. Dues are just $40 a year. We appreciate your support and interest in becoming an integral piece of the organization, ensuring a stable financial future for SCBC. 


All money raised by SCBC goes directly back into the community through events such as the Memphis Area Breastfeeding Symposium, Latch On Memphis, and the annual Breastfeeding Update. 


Other programs include the Baby Rest Stop, Hospital and Physician Outreach, and the Breastfeeding Workplace Initiative. 


Through our partners with MALCA, BSTARS/ROSE, the Shelby County Health Department and WIC, we strive to put Memphis on the map as one of the top cities in the Nation who not only support breastfeeding but also recognize the importance of breastfeeding and its benefits. Support and education are two of the biggest pieces to make this puzzle work and we need you to help us make it happen! 

To become a member or to donate to the Shelby Breastfeeding Coalition, please click the DONATE button below and follow the PayPal instructions. If you have any problems at all please email us at

Support the Coalition by

making a donation!

Support the Shelby County Breastfeeding Coalition by making a donation and following the PayPal instructions. If you have any problems at all please email us at 

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